Intro to Pages

Everything you need to know about Jemi pages.
Written by Ann Hwang
Updated 2 years ago


Adding Pages

You can add more pages by going to the "Pages" tab on the right side of your dashboard. If you're under the free plan, you can add up to 2 pages. You can upgrade to one of our paid plans if you want to add more pages.

Deleting Pages

If you want to delete a page completely, go to the "Pages" tab on the right side of your dashboard, and click on "Settings" button of the page you want to delete. Click "Delete". Please note that this action cannot be undone.

Active vs Inactive pages

You can make your page "inactive" if you don't want it to appear as an option on your navigation bar. This is perfect if you're planning on making this page active at some point in the future, but aren't ready for others to have access to it. To make a page active, you can just toggle off the "Active" toggle under Page Settings.

Editing Pages

You can edit pages directly in the website builder once you login. To edit a different page, you can go to the "Pages" tab on the top right and click on the page that you want to edit.

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